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This is the Third (3rd)  Issue of “360 Degrees Hinduism” Magazine for the samvat of Shravana Bhadra 2072 as per Hindu Calendar OR month of July August 2015 as per English Calendar

Editor’s Note

Understanding And Analysing The Concept Of Karma
To understand karma first it needs to be defined. Karma can be described as a form of cause and effect. The dictionary defines karma as sum of person’s actions in one of his successive states of existence, viewed as deciding his fate for the next. In Sanskrit karma is defined as volitional action that is undertaken deliberately or knowingly. This also fits together as self-determination and a strong will power to abstain from inactivity.

Karma also separates human beings from other creatures in the world. Karma is a notion that constantly proves the Newton theory of every action creates an equal and opposite reaction. Every time we do something we create a cause and in time will produce its corresponding reaction. It is the personality of the human that causes either negative or positive karma. Karma could be caused by both the physical and mental aspects of the body regardless of if it brings achievement now or in the future. Karma cannot be affected by the natural reflexes of the body.

“A person is responsible for his or her own karma”.

In other words it is up to a person to give themselves good karma and move to a higher form in the next life or their doing for bad karma and devolving to a lower form.

There are three types of karma savtik karma, rajasik karma, tamasik karma.

Savtik karma is without attachment, selfless and for the benefit of others.
Rajasik karma is selfish where ones focus is on ones gains to oneself.
Tamasik karma is undertaken without regard to consequences and is supremely selfish and savage.

The ancient yogis have assigned three categories to karma. These are sanchita, prarabdha, and kriyamana.

The first category, sanchita, is the sum total of past karma yet to be resolved. Prarabdha, the second category, is the portion of sanchita being experienced in the present life. The third category, kriyamana, is the karma you are currently creating.
It is important to understand that past negative karma can be altered into a smoother, easier state through the loving, heart-chakra nature, through dharma and sadhana. If you live religiously well you will create positive karma for the future and soften negative karma of the past.

In this issue the technical papers titles “Coconut ( Cocos nucifera L. : ) In health promotion and disease prevention” , “The Ayurveda Education in India: How well are the Graduates exposed to Basic Clinical Skills ? “ and “Ayurvedic herbal medicine and lead poisoning” is a must read articles.

The Cover Story in this issue spotlights THE DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY, With the sacred aim of bringing peace and joy in everyone’s life by dissemination of spiritual knowledge and charitable activities.


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