To Indians, knowledge is sacred and divine. So it must be given respect at all times. Nowadays we separate subjects as sacred and secular. But in ancient India every subject…
Why do we wear marks (tilak, pottu and the like) on the forehead?
The tilak or pottu invokes a feeling of sanctity in the wearer and others. It is recognized as a religious mark. Its form and colour vary according to one’s caste, religious sect…
Why do we prostrate before parents and elders?
Indians prostrate before their parents, elders, teachers and noble souls by touching their feet. The elder in turn blesses us by placing his or her hand on or over our…
Why do we do Namaste?
Indians greet each other with namaste. The two palms are placed together in front of the chest and the head bows whilst saying the word namaste. This greeting is for…
Why do we have a Pooja (prayer) Room?
Most Indian homes have a prayer room or altar. A lamp is lit and the Lord worshipped each day. Other spiritual practices like japa (repetition of the Lord’s name), meditation,…
Why do we light a lamp?
In almost every Indian home a lamp is lit daily before the altar of the Lord. In some houses it is lit at dawn, in some, twice a day –…
Indian Discoveries And Inventions – Part VI
VELOCITY OF PLANETS PER DAY Sun : 59’ 8” 10’’’ 13’’’’ (gopaajnayaa dinadhaama) 34” 51’’’ 36’’’’ (Chandikeso bharga snigdhosow) Mars : 31’ 26” 29’’’ 42’’’’ (Prabhurdharaachakra paala) Mercury : 245’…
Indian Discoveries And Inventions – Part V
Indian Discoveries And Inventions – Part V ASTRONOMICAL DEFINITIONS Urdhvamadho apara poorvamihaadyam praahuridam samamandala manyath thadvadihotthara dakshinadikstham vrutthayugam vidisorapi thadvath Vertical circle passing through the west and east cardinal…
Indian Discoveries And Inventions – Part IV
SINE, COSINE, RADIUS AND ARC Anyonya kotihathayorabhimatha gunayosthrijeejavayaa hathayo: yogaviyogow syaathaamabhimathagunachaapa yogavivaragunow The sum of the products of Sin A and Cos B and when angles are exchanged, Sin B…
Indian Discoveries and Inventions – Part III
POLYGONAL Thribdhyankaagninabha schandraisthri bhaanaa shtayugaashtabhi: vedaagni baanakhaaschaicha khakhaabhraa bhrarasai: kramaath baaneshu nakha baanai schadvidvi nandeshu saagarai: kuraamadasavedaischa vruthhavyaase samaahathe khakhakhaabhraarka sambhakthe labhyanthe kramasobhujaa: vrutthaantha sthraya poorvaanaam navaasraantham pruthak pruthak…