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This is the ninth (9th)  Issue of “360 Degrees Hinduism” Magazine for the samvat of Shravana Bhadra 2073 as per Hindu Calendar OR month of July August 2016 as per English Calendar

Editor’s Note

Life without health is a meaningless life. Ayurveda and Vedic wisdom teaches us to apportion and allocate our “nourishment” – physical wealth comprising food, clothing and domestic homely comforts in accordance to quota ordained by the higher order. Our scriptures and for that matter any holy scripture, any divine scripture speaks of giving part of our share of food to others. In charity and in giving food, in contributing and giving humane compassion, we as humankind grow in essential material value. Material value is really value related to “HEALTHY WEALTH”. Healthy wealth is wealth that brings prosperity, enjoyment, and happiness. Unhealthy wealth is wealth conducive of illness, disease, epiphany, tragedies, upheavals, and misfortune calamities. When one undergoes through difficulties and suffers pain and sorrow, one must contemplate and retrospectively reflect upon the transient impermanence of all the material wealth and human life.

Our other highlights are :
‘Forensic Study of Indian Toxicological Plants as Botanical Weapon (BW): A Review’
‘Core Teaching Skills for PANCHAKARMA’ — Knowledge Capsule
‘Ramanujhacharya’ — Cover Story
‘Woman as Adishakti’ — Special Report
‘Why do we light a lamp? ‘ — Hindu’s Pride
‘GILOYE IS AMRITA ’ — Ayur Plant

Thanks !


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